
Module containing all cusstom exceptions used by the package. All exceptions related to this package has the PCD prefix.

Please, if you used one of our methods and it raised an exception that doesn’t have our PCD prefix and it came from inside our files send us a ticket in this link: https://github.com/Cerberus1746/PandaCoreData/issues

author:Leandro (Cerberus1746) Benedet Garcia
exception panda_core_data.custom_exceptions.PCDDataCoreIsNotUnique

Exception raised if the data core is not unique.

exception panda_core_data.custom_exceptions.PCDDuplicatedModuleName

Exception raised if a module with the same name was already imported

exception panda_core_data.custom_exceptions.PCDDuplicatedTypeName

Exception raised if a Model or Template Type already exists with the same name.

exception panda_core_data.custom_exceptions.PCDFolderIsEmpty

Exception raised if the folder is empty.

exception panda_core_data.custom_exceptions.PCDInvalidBaseData

Exception raised if a base doesn’t have a method.

exception panda_core_data.custom_exceptions.PCDInvalidPath

Exception raised if the file is invalid.

exception panda_core_data.custom_exceptions.PCDInvalidPathType

Exception raised if a invalid path type was requested.

exception panda_core_data.custom_exceptions.PCDInvalidRaw

Exception raised if a raw is invalid

exception panda_core_data.custom_exceptions.PCDRawFileNotSupported

Exception raised if the package can’t read the extension.

exception panda_core_data.custom_exceptions.PCDTypeError

Exception raised if a invalid type was found.